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So I'm doing something rash and impulsive this weekend. My friends and my husband convinced me I needed a break and to have some friend time, so I am impulsively going down with them to attend Rose City Comicon. I don't know how much I'll actually be at the con, but I'm gonna try to have my Belfry plush on me so you can spot me while I'm there. 

I'm not going to be touching much since I still think I'm coming down with something (sinus infection maybe?), so no hugs or handshakes, but I'd be happy to say hi to anyone who finds me! I'll also have a few copies of Tamberlane Ch1 with me if folks want to pick one up.

This is probably a terrible idea but I'm really excited and looking forward to having some fun! Hopefully I'll come home refreshed and excited to do comics.

And don't worry, I'm going to be taking really good care of myself while I'm there! Lots of sleep, eatin' right, resting, etc. Wish me luck, and track me down and say hi if you're there!



Have fun! wish I could go...but that’s reeeeeaaaally far away for me.