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Hey all! I figured it was a good time for an update!

The last two weeks put me out of commission between a fibro flare and then throwing out my back, but I'm back on the horse this week! 

  • I got all 181 sketches done for the Kickstarter over the course of a week and a half; they've been sent off to Make That Thing and Kickstarter fulfillment is now entirely in their hands.
  • While I was doing KS sketches, the Tamberlane buffer got depleted but I'm working on buffing it up again. That's the next task!
  • I finished all of the July sketches today; if you're a $50+ supporter, make sure to put in your August requests on the Trello! 
  • The July Postcard has been delayed through all this. I'll have that done ASAP.
  • Even though we've dropped below $2000 again, the Henry/Nora comic is still coming. My husband and I have been writing it and we think we have a good, solid idea.
  • This week, I plan to buff the buffer by 2 more pages, and finish Winnie's character sheet & drabble. Next week, hopefully, I'll be able to also get a couple of Q&A comics out. 

I think that's all of it for now. Thanks for your patience while I claw through all this stuff! Sooner or later I'll drop a bunch of the sketches that have gotten done in the last several months so the lower tiers can see them; but that's not a priority right now. Gotta keep catchin up!

Although I can probably post this one because it's a good victory pose to finish this post off with ;)



Crikey! Good job on getting through all of that! Try not to drain yourself though! c:

Timmo Warner

That’s a LOT of sketches done, wow! I can’t wait to get the Tamberlane hardcover soon! It is truly one of the best webcomics going right now.