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Wow! We're at page 150 already! And Allaze's patreon cameo Mary crops up for a brief appearance. We'll see her again!

So, today's page took ... a while, because I decided that the establishing shot needed to not only be behind the booths but also with a gorillion extra characters smooshed in there. So this page took something like 12 hours. Whew!

The only real stuff I have to say about this page, I think, is that for the first page, I used highlighting and detailing to make Walter and Briar stand out, but kept the background characters flatter so that attention went where it was supposed to.

Other than that, hey look, Walter smiled! and the Russian is, as far as my research tells me, supposed to say, essentially, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Originally I was going to find an idiom that meant "i see my future flashing before my eyes" but I spent too much time on this page already, so, it's what you get!




Looks great!


*inintelligible squealing comment*