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Poor Tamberlane just wants to help.

Composition notes:

First panel is a close up because Oakewood is kind of intruding into her space both physically and emotionally.

Second panel Tamberlane is much smaller because she feels small and helpless (lol literally). 

Third panel, the playing field is evened out.

Fourth panel, Oakewood is less concerned so he's pulling back, but he still has the focus.

Fifth panel, Tamberlane is a little more emotionally open so she's a little closer.

And the final panel is dynamic as the energy returns to the conversation.



Dorian Inman

Just kill me with adorable why don’t you! XD The dynamics are great! I have one enquiry; is Oakewood becoming more conscious of his attire? He doesn’t seem so...frumpy.


that last panel is a fun easter egg because it mean "Live long and prosper" ! :D