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So far I've spent 14 hours on this page and there's still a couple more to go. I need a rest! I'll finish it in the morning. It should still be uploaded pretty early -- I get back from the gym and finish showering by 8 and then it should?? be uploaded by 10. (PST)

Enjoy the preview; thanks for your patience! There're going to be a couple of pages that are complicated like this one coming up; but probably none as arduous as this!

Hope you've had a good Tuesday!



Wilford B. Wolf

At first, I thought you were working on a Tamberlane animated film. Those look like stills!

Timmo Warner

Wow, that page (especially the first panel) looked great as a sketch and now it looks AMAZING! Ha, and like wilfrod just said, the background with those flats looks like an animated film! I'd LOVE to see you save a version just like this for fun before you finish it off.

River 'Neon Noble' Nicolosi

Any time I get to see Terra and Nora is an EXCELLENT TIME! I look forward to fawning over it when you're all done with it!! (sidebar, 16 hours seems pretty low for time-to-completion, so I don't think you should feel too bad! XD)

Welsh Rat

I love the fact they're getting used to her - but those who aren't are scared!