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Whew! Sorry this came out *slightly* late! It took a lot of extra time!

So let's start out with the cameos:

The little pink kangaroo mouse is Mimfry, patreon cameo of StarshineBeast!

The mail squirrel is Aria, patreon cameo of Steve Streza!

The deer cameo is Becca, patreon cameo of Specs AK!

And the panther cameo is Isaiah, patreon cameo of NoteWorthy!

Since this didn't get done in time for $10 patrons to get a head start, I'll give you all a composition notes preview!

Composition notes for this page:

The top panel was composed specifically to be able to show the cameos. With Walter and Tamberlane to the left, overlapping the darker parts of the background, they sort of form one full shape that delineates the other half by value and saturation contrast. With Isaiah's back taking the right side, the rest of the cameos (And Briar) are framed, drawing attention. 

In truth, this is also to draw eyes to Briar, whom I added more detail and highlight to, so she'd stick out.

The middle three panels have the camera pulling closer on Briar as the gossiping crowd gets more and more crowding.

The first panel has Briar looking disgruntled as she runs in to her mom and sister shouting in public. But the second frame has her almost crowded out of the frame by both the crowd and their gossip.

Her expression doubles down on the fact that it's less the fight happening that's making her upset, so much as the fact that the Town Is Talking About Them (about HER!). In typical teenage fashion, this is far more horrifying. (It's also worth noting that Mimfry and Becca are classmates of hers, fellow teenagers.

The third middle frame has her kind of exploding and pushing away both the gossip and the abashed crowd as Briar asserts her space.

The next frame is bisected with Briar's figure and value both, making Briar feel very isolated. Again, in typical teenage fashion, she asserts that she's the only adult, despite not being an adult at all. Belfry and Tess realize they've made a scene, but they don't change their stance: they haven't made up, just paused. This frame is also a little off-kilter due to the diagonal border.

The final frame is stabilized with Walter's influence, as his panels tend to be. Not much for composition otherwise in this frame, except to point out the first instance of Rrucchiki! (Technically, Walter spoke Rrucchiki in LeekFish's 7 page guest comic about chocolate croissants, but it was small.)

Whew! That's it for this page. Next page should be easier! If you liked the composition notes, $10+ patrons get them for every page that has something of interest to note!



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