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Wow!! We hit the $2,000 stretch goal, which means a little side comic will be happening, concerning how Henry and Nora met and got together! This comic will be exclusive on here until it's complete, and it will be updated whenever a page is done, without a set schedule.

(also hey, have some old old old concept art of the two of them!)

Right now I'm still focused on catching up with the stuff I missed late last year from the Health Avalanche, and I'm nearly caught up. I've finished all the Patreon $50+ sketches up through January and will be done with February and March sketches in the next two weeks. Then I'll focus on getting the character sheets added to the cast page, which should also be done within those two weeks.

THEN I'll be caught up and I can start figuring out how I'm going to add this stuff to the rotation! I'm not going to start truly working on it until I'm comfortable it won't add to my workload significantly. ( 'u')-b

In the meantime, thank you all SO MUCH for your support! I'm so excited!! <3 And to all you new folks, welcome welcome welcome!! I hope you enjoy the comic and stuff!!!
