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So I mentioned this briefly in my last post but realized I wanted a little bit more in depth information!

My friend Jayelle has been sharply reminding me that I don’t need to do so much every month and that I need to look after myself a bit more. This is definitely backed up by all the delays due to health and stress. So I’m looking to simplify my rewards and what I can optimally deliver, and what will be most satisfying to you guys.

If you can do me a favor, I put together a really short survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2WH5GD5
It’s 8 questions, only 4 of which are required. It’ll help me so much figure out how best to make sure we’re all at least satisfied next year!

Thank you lovelies 💖



I love the current regimen but it’s chill if it’s cut back, you give more than enough as is. I support you mostly cause your comic stole my heart and you helped me out when I was in a dark place and helped renew my love for art to put me on a fast track to making my own comic.


I want to support you, Pixel. Rewards are a nice bonus, but my intent is not to make you work harder whatsoever--you're already producing a high quality comic I and plenty of other people enjoy for free!


Take care of you. Overdoing it will lead to burnout, which no one wins from!


Do whatever works for you. I'm happy with whatever rewards you give. :)