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Jonas asks:  Hey Pixel Prism, when you write the comic, do you get up and deliberately do a little every day, or do you wait until you're In The Zone? 

Answer: This is a good page to talk about this!

 Neither! I think about it all the time, but I do actual writing in chunks. Once I reach the end of a chunk, I go over the outline, fix it AGAIN, and then write another 8-10 pages. Then I work on that a while. 

Basically all I use a script for is to get a sense of the dialogue and flow of the page. How many panels, what bits I want to happen.

But like for example, in the original script, Piper and Anthony were basically immediately fine on this page I just finished. Which ... made zero sense, and didn't put the impact it was supposed to have.

It was for the sake of another little plot clue, but I decided pushing Abroad was more important. So I rewrote it while I was inking.

Then when I got into the actual lettering phase, I realized it still didn't flow well, so I added more dialogue and tweaked until it worked the way I wanted it to.

Some notes about composition on this page: 

So originally, that 1st panel wasn't there, and it was just the other two panels starting the page, starting with Amber saying, hey don't scare your kids. But I felt that didn't resolve the last page well enough, or show that Jason, you know, actually cared/didn't expect this reaction.

Amber is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, which is the breed of dog I'm gonna be getting in the next few months!  Jason apparently likes his girls short and covered in spots. She's based on the character I played when I was a kid, when I met my husband (who's character was Jason). Here's a recent image of them:

And a much better picture of Amber.


...I just realized I left out the balloon tail on the last balloon. Welp.



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