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Okay friends! I'm gonna make some updates to how Movie Nights work, in part because of how easy it is for me to forget the way it works now and in part so more people can participate.


Movie Nights are now every Friday and sometimes on Tuesdays. Sometimes it will get canceled if my Fridays are busy but there should be plenty of opportunities for people to drop in.

This will be a little less structured, too; some anime nights, some western cartoon nights, whatever.

So MOVIE NIGHT. Every Friday at 6pm PST. See you there. If you want reminders, be sure to hop on the Patreon Discord by connecting your discord to your patreon!

Tonight, we are having a special movie night because I'm free for the evening and Ashley is over. We're going to watch the 1978 Sanrio movie Ringing Bell / Chirin no Suzu.


This Friday, we're going to be watching the Netflix Death Note movie with LeekFish. I am told it'll be painful.

I have some ideas for watching some Star Vs the Forces of Evil on one night and starting My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia on another, and Little Nemo sometime this month too.

Thanks, y'all! Looking forward to seeing you soon! Come hang out around 6pm PST at http://rabb.it/pixelprism for some hell sheep action!


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