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Whuh-oh. That doesn't look good.



Patrick Kingsley

Bummer that it sounds like Belfry and Tess still haven't reconciled. :( Maybe soon? So good to see Briar again, though, even if she's been put in an awkward spot. (Expression-work is top-notch, as always.)

Naomi 'Note Worthy' Slover

Three months. Three months not talking to your mother. Does Bel even have a job now after all this? Briar looks like homelife has been hell, with Tess maybe cursing Bel's decision up and down to take in Tamberlane and then move into Oakewood's so he can conduct his experiments. Or it could be that Tess has been rethinking her anger in the moment, and she's sad about Belfry not being at home and just having Briar and Anthony at home with her and Walter. Funny how quickly Briar put distance between her and her sister. In any case, this is an interesting development. Colors are spot on. Conveyance of emotion is done without excess explanation. Well done page.