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So I know that I said I wouldn't do a cast page for July, so let's call this getting August's out of the way. Terra very nearly won the vote this month by a large margin from the next most popular candidate, so I figured it was a safe assumption to finish her up. 

Once again, I'd like to point out that Terra is a Patron cameo! Thank you so much, Neon!


Species: Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Occupation: Doctor's apprentice

Terra is a somewhat recent addition to Treehollow, having moved here alone in her teenage years. She was taken in at first by the Bakers, but in short time she apprenticed herself to Doctor Nora and moved in with her and Henry. She loves kids, loves to help creatures, and loves to make sad people happy; and though she's still somewhat young in her apprenticeship, she's shown a lot of promise.

She's married to Sylvia and mother to Marie.

Terra is a Patreon cameo. Thanks to Neon Noble for letting me use and alter your baby!

Terra's first appearance was on page 51.



Terra lifted her exhausted head, her ears twitching toward the source of tiny skunk paws in the hallway. "Yes, Marie, darling, I'm with Mummy Sylvia."

The little skunk ducked inside, her paws clasped oh-so-carefully in front of her, as though she were sheltering a butterfly between her palms. "Mummy," she sniffled, "I got something that would help Mummy Sylvia."

"Was it your sunny smile?" Terra asked, leaning down to help her onto the bed so she wouldn't have to relinquish her burden just yet. Sylvia groaned fitfully in her sleep, one ear twitching.

"No," giggled Marie, her smile fleeting. "Parsley had magic."

"Magic? Well, goodness! I'm sure that will be very helpful. May I see?"

Marie nodded solemnly, and slowly she tilted her top paw off, revealing her holy relic. Inside sat a sparkling piece of quartz. Though the light in the bedroom was low, it caught what was there, scattering soft motes around the little girl's paws. 

"Parsley says if we believe really hard, and think of Mummy Sylvia with all our hearts, and then hold this rock really tightly..." She faltered, looking down at it. "...it's silly, isn't it?"

"No," Terra was quick to say, gently brushing Marie's forelock from her eye. "It's not silly at all. I believe in magic. Do you?"

Marie was quiet a moment, and then she nodded, a faint smile turning up her lips. Terra folded her paws around Marie's, so that they both cupped the stone together. "Let's think of Mummy Sylvia as hard as we can," she says, "and pour aaaaall our love into this magic stone. That way she can keep it close to her and always know we love her."



Marie took a deep breath, looked to her other ailing mother, and then nodded to Terra as serious as can be. 




Dorian Inman

I'm not crying, you're crying!

River 'Neon Noble' Nicolosi

Awww, so perfect! I love the blurb soooooo much! TuT Thank you for treating my sweetheart so well!!!

Diego P

First time I see cameos get so much plot!!