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Whew!! They're finally done!

You can see the NSFW sketches here:


Gonna spend the rest of this week getting at least 1 comic page done, and then next week I'll work on finishing July rewards. Zoom zoom!



Dorian Inman

AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Aubrey is so adorable!!!!!!


Yep! I finished her ref sheet today. I just need to write her Drabble tonight :3


Thanks so much. She's my favorite character and I'm glad she won the last poll. Have a great day! Also, can I tell you an idea I have for a drawing or sketch that involves the possum Parsley was making that deal with?


Ok now I've recently played Outlast 2. There's one part where you as the protagonist end up in a place where people known as the scalled live. They have tons of STDs. Their leader(s) is a little guy named Laird who is strapped to the back of Nick, a big guy. Laird had is legs amputated so Nick is his only way of getting around. With Laird archery (he shoots fire arrows at prey or his own followers when he's upset) and Nick's brawn and speed, they are the perfect duo. I imagine that Laird would be the possum in that brief scene of chapter 2. He wouldn't have cuts and zits and all that. He would also not be strapped to Nick. He would just scurry around on Nick. Nick would have the pouch for the fire arrows and all. As for Nick. Nick would most likely be a bear. For an exact look, look up Injuring Joe from a Tom Sawyer movie where all the characters are furs. I don't watch it anymore but I remember him. That's my idea. Having the possum (who I also call Laird since you never named him) and the bear chasing somebody because Laird is ticked off. Presumably Belfry or Piper. Lol.

Timmo Warner

Ah, I LOVE that sweet Piper pic, and Bat Belfry made me laugh. There were a lot of good sketches this month!

Timmo Warner

Note: Piper ate the butterfly.


🤗 my sweet little 🍄 Princess! Thank you!