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 Piper spends a lot of time in that corner. 

(apologies this went up a little late, I had some confusion on post times!! Enjoy!-Panda)




Serves her right

SpikeSmolder Fan

Good, that's the least she deserves after all the trouble she caused. ;)

Diego P

what does the sign on the wall says?

Foal Papers

It's okay, Piper – I seem to spend a lot of time in the corner too. ;-)

Naomi 'Note Worthy' Slover

"Timeout Corner*. Took me a while to figure it out. Haven't been able to decipher the writing on the other wall.

Wilford B. Wolf

I think the first word on the wall is "Piper". I can't figure out the second word, expect it ends in "ere".

Wilford B. Wolf

I think I've got it! "Piper Was Here". Well, she's there now.