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 Oakewood, you little shit. 



SpikeSmolder Fan

Reverse psychology, gotta love it! XD

Wilford B. Wolf

The Snarky Psychologist, this fall on CBS.


Hey, how do last names work in Tamberlane's world? 'cos I've noticed some sound like the job of the character (like Belfry) and others don't (like Oakewood).


Much like last names started in real life, it's a way to denominate one creature from another. Since it's an agrarian barter society, career is important to note as it tells what you can offer to society. Oakewood, however, is from the oldest family line in Treehollow, and his name comes from the library (and specifically the form of the library) his family occupied, which is the most recognizable building in town. So in a way, his name is career-oriented too.