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He's not dead!

Had a fun time with this one. While I was putting the 4th panel together I made sure to set up all the non-paper detritus in such a way that they're all their own objects with tweakable layers, so I can use them as assets in future pages. :3 Also it was fun to just zen out and put together the 3rd panel (the stairs), and I'm pretty proud of both that and the creased, discolored version of the photo seen in Page 400.




Can’t wait to see more new pages soon. Is there gonna be one where Belfry gets angry at cur for what he did to tam? Also maybe one with Penny, Parker, Nora and Henry too? And maybe one with where Tamberlane or Belfry have a bad nightmare of the incident in Bally bluffs, more Parsley x Marie moments. And also, in the future (just wondering and hoping)… is Belfry going to have her own romantic love interest? Because it would be so cute for Tamberlane to have a future fluffy dad…. Sorry, I’m asking a lot, I just love this comic! P.S hope we see ask the cast A&Q soon.