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Man, I've been goin' through it the last few weeks. I've managed to channel energy into getting those Patreon comms mostly off my plate on one of the good days, and the rest of the time I've been chipping away at Tamberlane pages because those are my fun comfort zone. But fatigue sucks and I hate it.

Basically, long story short, I have chronic fatigue which is flaring something fierce right now. It's like having the flu, in terms of energy expenditure. This morning I had to take a break and rest while cleaning my ears because holding my arms up for ten seconds was so exhausting.

But I love to draw. Art is how I make sense of the world, and I love getting to just spend time working on things I love. Or even things I just like! But physical stuff is blocking me right now.

Dealing with this on top of getting back to the doctor grind has been tough, and there's tax stuff to sort out, and all sorts of stuff. And I'm just annoyed. I wanna draw.

So yeah. Doodle.




I feel that, my depression hits me sometimes where I’m wanting to do something but the effort to do it just feels like soooooo much

Violet Rose in The Dark

Might have to look into it and see if you also have long COVID symptoms.