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So, funny story. Back in 2020 I got an email from a Greg Tamberlane who was curious why I chose the name, since his last name is very unique. (He also bought all the books because, and I quote, "how could I not?")

Anyway this week, my Google Alerts informed me that Greg Tamberlane got a new position at a bank so I opted to email him with a congratulations and a doodle. Why not?? Life is made of these quirky little connections between people. I feel like it's a fun little thing to share. Hopefully he doesn't mind :)

(Also, this isn't something I would share except that obviously the whole thing is pretty public if it came up on Google Alerts lol. That said, please don't attempt to contact him. There's no reason why anyone should need to reach out to him; let him have his private life please!)




I have have a hard time remembering to keep the 'b' in Tamberlane. history and literature fight me. https://www.thoughtco.com/timur-or-tamerlane-195675 Biography of Tamerlane, 14th Century Conqueror of Asia And the lead poem in E A Poe's first published collection . "The poem was first published in the 1827 collection Tamerlane and Other Poems. That collection, with only 50 copies printed, was not credited with the author's real name but by "A Bostonian"." - Wiki You can read it here. https://poemuseum.org/tamerlane/


Hold up correct me if I got it wrong: but r u saying that u got the name Tamberlane from this Greg person’s last name? Or did the name Tamberlane just come to u and it was just a coincidence? I’m sorry if I DO have the wrong idea. 😓😓😓