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Whew! We've been waiting SO LONG to get to this scene. We've had this planned for years now.

(To note, I was not explicit in the content warning, because they can spoil things for folks, and it's not particularly graphic or anything. Rather, I know some of my readers are going through a sensitive time, especially with regards to the content of Tamberlane, so I hoped the flag would help them steel themselves or choose to skip it.)

Anyway, some interesting notes for this page! You'll note that in the thumbnails, Jonas was originally missing a finger on his left paw as well.

And so it goes! Most pages will be revised and changed all through the process, all the way up until I put the final texture layer on and resize it with a watermark. It's the nature of the beast, and honestly I really like it that way. It's fun to "discover" a page as you create it, rather than having a rote set of immutable instructions.

On a compositional note, you'll notice the panel where you get a zoom in on his injured paw, I've done a lil bit of tricksy comic magic. I wanted to make sure the injury was highlighted so that no one missed it, which was a possibility since that area of the panel is pretty muddied. It's not the central focus of the panel -- the inhaler falling is. So hopefully your eye would be drawn to the inhaler falling first, and then the bandages.

Some things I did to ensure it stood out:

  • I made sure none of the light touched the pillow behind his paw so that it was a flat matte uninteresting shape.

  • I used a brighter light on the paw.

  • I moved the balloon tail to go behind the paw so it acted as a line of action that drew your eyes along the trajectory, and made sure it went directly behind the injury.

Last bit of note for this page: I took the inhaler design from one that was made in the 1900's:

Now, to be clear: this historical version used cocaine in their formulation, Treehollow does not 😂 It's a weird little device to draw though lol!

Anyway! Enjoy the page. Hopefully it didn't inflict too much psychic damage on y'all. c: And thanks to Jonas for your cameo!




I wonder how Cur will react to seeing Jonas missing two fingers.


Relearning doing things with your left hand isn't easy.