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Name    Brin isu Yambul

Age    13

Race    Human

Class    Scarred One

Level    22


Strength    149

Dexterity    84

Vitality    146

Magic    41

Mental Control    59

Will    59


Survivor of Travin's Bog

You survived the massacre at Travin’s Bog that ended your family.

+50% resistance to heat, cold and poison.


You have journeyed to a strange and foreign land where you now live.

+30% movement speed when out of combat

You have a largely increased ability to learn languages.


You have traversed the stars and arrived at an entirely new world.

+50% experience while your Class is below level 30. Strengthened immune system. Strengthened magic resistance.

Heavily Scarred (3)

You have been scarred. You have upgraded this title twice. Your scars are regenerative.

Healing rate increases based on upgrades and the amount of fully healed scars.

Your wounds heal 50% faster.


Warbound (Legendary)

Warfare was his birthright, he craved the clash of steel,

He sang a song of bloodshed that the dead could hear and feel,

The terror of the battlefield, a cursed child was found.


+20% to all attributes. +100% experience from melee combat.

Monster Hunter II (Common)

You have defeated more than 13 monsters.

+10% attribute growth rate for all attributes.

Filial Piety (Epic)

You performed a noble act of service to your father at great risk to yourself, freeing his captive soul from those who bound him in servitude.

Extra resistance against mental manipulation, soul manipulation, and Mana pool manipulation.

+100% Magic attribute growth.

Blessing of the Hidden Guardian (Rare)

You have been seen and accepted by the one who lays beneath.

Strong IV (Common)

You have reached 104 Strength.

+40% speed with Strength-intensive activities. +40% Strength attribute growth.

Dextrous III (Common)

You have reached 65 Dexterity.

+30% speed with Dexterity-intensive activities. +30% Dexterity attribute growth.

Lively IV (Common)

You have reached 104 Vitality.

+40% recovery from wounds. +40% stamina. +40% Vitality attribute growth.

Magical II (Common)

You have reached 39 Magic.

+20% spell power. +20% mana regeneration. +20% Magic attribute growth

Controlled II (Common)

You have reached 39 Mental Control.

+20% focus and concentration +20% Mental Control attribute growth

Disciplined II (Common)

You have reached 39 Will

+20% spell power. +20% skill power. +20% Will attribute growth.

Workhorse (Rare)

You work like a horse. You have earned many attribute achievements before unlocking your System.

+2 Strength per level, +1 Dexterity per level, +2 Vitality per level, +1 Will per level, +1 Mental Control per level

General Skills

Know What’s Real

You have the ability to understand when something you experience or remember is real, and when it is an illusion or dream. Hearing increased. Vision in darkness increased. You can now approximate the value of things.

Monster Sense

You have a moderate ability to sense monsters in the area. You can sense the difference between monsters and natural animals.

Inspect (3)

Active Skill - Receive information on the target.


Hide Status

Your Class and other System details are hidden from Inspect and other observation skills. Note: Your information may still be vulnerable due to high level disparities and powerful inspection skills.


Battle Fury (Epic)

Skill unlocked: Battle Fury (Epic)

Your fury in battle lends you greater power.

+5% increase to the effects of your Strength, Dexterity, and Vitality with each wound you take and with each wound you give. +50% increase with each enemy you slay.

These increases are capped at +100%

These increases expire thirty minutes after you leave combat.

Battle Sense

You have an innate sense about the position of your allies and enemies in conflict. You have an innate sense of how to direct your allies to greatest effectiveness during conflict.

Class Skills

Ugly on the Inside

Enhanced ability to form healing scars on internal organs. Nearly any injury can heal naturally, given time.

Pain Resistance

Feel pain as information, with a boost to energy and focus.

Mana Scars

Your body is held together by mana when wounded. Consumes mana.

Bloody Vengeance

Increased power and speed proportional to the amount of wounds received.


Oath of the Quest Survivor

You have sworn never to speak of how you became the beneficiary of a Quest

Just for fun, further stat breakdown

35 Base Str + 84 from Class/Workhorse + 5 free points + 20% = 149

28 Base Dex + 42 from Class/Workhorse + 0 free points + 20% = 84

32 Base Vit + 84 from Class/Workhorse + 5 free points + 20% = 146

24 Base Mag + 0 from Class/Workhorse + 10 free points + 20% = 41

26 Base Men + 22 from Class/Workhorse + 1 free points + 20% = 59

27 Base Will + 22 from Class/Workhorse + 0 free points + 20% = 59



Aww I thought it was another chapter


Battle sense is missing. Also didn’t Brin say that the boost from heavily scarred should have increased once his wounds finished healing/scarring.


TYVM for the stat sheet! Really appreciate it!


where is 'Hide Status'?


What happened to the +10% Dexterity from Dextrous that Brin got from stealing stuff?