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New graphics on:

1. Attack Company (AH-64 Apache), current

2. Air Cavalry Troop (AH-64 Apache/RQ-7BV2 Shadow), current

3. Heavy Watercraft Platoon (LCU-2000/Runnymede-class), currentish

4. Air Defense Battery (M6 Linebacker/Missile), ~2004 (immediately before the Modular Reform that made BCTs permanent units and de-aligned divisional support)

Here is a little Twitter thread I did explaining the LCU-2000 watercraft unit: https://twitter.com/battle_order/status/1684523024056455168

And here is one for the Linebacker ADA unit: https://twitter.com/battle_order/status/1683572895266775040




Ah good to see the Army’s maritime force get some recognition. They’re a secret even within the Army. Are you planning on doing a video on the Army’s waterborne fleet?

Battle Order

I'm planning on going a video on APS-3 (prepositioned stocks afloat) first, which is Army equipment aboard Navy ships. After that I might do a video on the US Army's navy


Do you plan to go all the way back to the mine planting service? I think the engineering special brigades from WW2 might be a good subject for one of your shorts

Battle Order

Maybe although it's not in my immediate plans. Navy stuff and WW2 stuff don't usually do that well on my channel