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New graphics on French Army Armored SGTIAs (company task forces), Swedish Army Tank Companies (reinforced), and U.S. Army Stryker Infantry Rifle Companies (with reinforcements).

The French Army graphic is based on France's early 2022 contribution to the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Estonia, where it deployed an armored SGTIA from the 5th Dragoon Regiment (their only combined arms regiment) with this sort of makeup. It's based on a reduced Tank Company (Leclerc) with an attached infantry platoon, engineer platoon, recon platoon and forward observers.

The Swedish Army graphic is based on my talks with a Swedish tanker, showing a Tank Company that has swapped platoons with one of its battalion's mechanized infantry companies (each Swedish Mech Battalion has 2 Tank and 2 Infantry Companies). It also has battalion pioneers and anti-air assets attached (depending on the situation it is common for more of both to be attached, in addition to brigade engineers). Another method of doing this is pairing 1 Tank Company with 1 Infantry Company down to the squad-level, so pairing one tank with one CV90 in mixed platoons. Who is in charge (tanks vs infantry) will depend on who is determined to be the supported element in a given action.

The Stryker graphic is based on the official manuals for the company with habitual attachments (fire support team and medical evacuation). More could be attached if a specific mission calls for it, like engineers for a breaching operation, battalion snipers, etc. The graphic takes into account new procurement that will be rolled out over the next few years, including Stryker Dragoon with the new SAMSON 30mm RWS, CROWS-J with Javelin, and the double v-hull A1 platform.



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