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As part of research for a future video series, I made graphics depicting the proposed division organizations for the U.S. Army as part of WayPoint 2028. This is part of the Army's effort to refocus on division-centric large scale combat operations. The division types are the Joint Forcible Entry Division (Airborne and Air Assault), Light Division, Heavy Division, and Pene tration Division. 

Accompanying article: https://www.battleorder.org/post/waypoint-divisions 

The graphics are displayed here as well: https://www.battleorder.org/us-orbat



Peter Provenzano

So what is going to happen with the Stryker Brigades? They are being upgraded starting this year with 30mm auto cannons and coax M240s, or a CROWS-J that will have a .50 cal and a Javelin. Yet no mention of them


I'm confused, the Airborne, Air Assault, and Light Infantry all have three circles at the bottom. Are they all going to be motorized or was that a technical error?

Battle Order

They are intended to be motorized with the Infantry Squad Vehicle, which is paradroppable and can be sling-loaded by UH-60s and CH-47s or internally loaded within the CH-47. They want 11 IBCTs equipped with them by 2025.

Battle Order

It should be taken as they *can* be motorized, but they won't necessarily be motorized in all situations (just like how they won't be taking advantage of their airborne or air assault qualification in all situations)


Along with reorganizing to become a division centric force, the Army is also looking into reorganizing its infantry squads to account for all the technology they’ll receive. Do you have any word on the Army infantry squad changing?

Battle Order

I do not right now, but someone in the know says they'll send me the new force structure supplementals that should have stuff on it whenever those get released.


It looks like a super HUMVEE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infantry_Squad_Vehicle