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Hello everyone!

This is just a preview of my next drawing. the picture here is the background for the NSFW version, I'm currently working on another background for the regular (safe) version, along with more layers with additional facial expressions, arms and clothes. I'll post it once everything is ready.

I'm also working on the edits for the previous drawings, the one with Princess Luna needed some changes for the NSFW edits, like changing the position of her head. they will be finished shortly.

There is something I wanted to do since the beginning of this year, but I was not sure of how to do it in a proper way, but a friend of mine gave me an idea that might work.

I was planning to let you all choose the character you wanted to see every month, but the problem for me would be to choose one among all of your suggestions, It's pretty difficult to make everyone happy, he he...

But then my friend, who follows Twisted Scarlett on his patreon, gave the solution to my problem. He suggested me to use the same method Twisted Scarlett use to let his followers choosing the character they want to see every month: Asking for suggestions in the comments section, but letting his followers choosing by giving a ''like'' to a comment (similar to facebook), the comment with more likes would be chosen to be made.

Let me know what do you think, If you all agree, then I'll start to let you choose the next character for every month once the current drawing is posted.




Hey, nice to hear from you again. How far along are you until you can start taking commissions and/or personal suggestions again? I understand you had a lot to take care of, but a rough timeline would be appreciated.


I could start taking new commissions until the next month, I have a couple of commissions on waiting list for now, I just need to finish my current drawings, so I can start working on them.


It's the second, sorry, but you can send me a message to discuss about your idea, maybe I can do something.