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Volume 1 Chapter 16 - Relationship with Nick


The orphanage was more severely damaged than it appeared, and its restoration could not be completed in one day, and it took three days for the work to be completed, with Allen going out to buy additional materials that were in short supply. The place that was obviously leaking just from the appearance had completely changed, and although it couldn't be called splendid, it regained enough sturdiness for living.

“Truly, thank you very much. Come on, everyone too.” (Director)

“““Thank you very much!!””” (Children)

After the work was completed, the Director faced Allen and Nick and told them that, and following him, the children of the orphanage loudly expressed their gratitude. Seeing that, Nick’s face turned red and he turned away, while Allen returned a smile, overlapping the images of the children with the image of his own younger siblings.

Judging from the previously damaged state of the orphanage, it was clear that the orphanage was by no means wealthy. However, the children were not overly thin, and their eyes sparkled with joy. It made Allen feel that the teachings of the previous director had been inherited.

Allen bent his knees, matched his gaze with the children, and gave them a smile.

“If you ever want another toy, tell that uncle. He lives in the neighborhood, so I'm sure you'll see him around.” (Allen)

“““Un!””” (Children)

“You idiot! What the hell are you talking about? They aren’t fancy stuff like toys. They're just scraps of material.” (Nick)

“No, they’re fine toys, with the corners carefully shaved to prevent children from getting hurt, and made in various shapes. Or rather, you don't deny making them, I see.” (Allen)

“A─h, geez, I don't care anymore. I'm going.” (Nick)

Saying that, Nick turned his back to Allen who looked at him as if saying ‘he’s hopeless’, and continued speaking to the children who were tilting their heads at the two’s interaction.

“He said he'd make those blocks.” (Allen)

The children cheered at these words. The blocks the children were holding in their hands were blocks that Nick had started making while killing time because he felt it was a waste to have scraps of material. Allen also helped out, but for something to kill time, it was comparatively demanding, there was no doubt that the toys were masterpieces of his skill as a carpenter.

* (T/N: I think ‘masterpieces’ is an exaggeration, but I don’t know any other fitting word.)

Because they were made in a variety of shapes so that both big and small children could play with them, what’s more, the corners and surfaces were carefully smoothed.

After saying goodbye, Allen approached Nick, who was walking rapidly. Then Allen tapped Nick on the shoulder, and Nick glared at Allen.

“You, you better fix that meddling personality of yours.” (Nick)

“No, if you honestly say how you feel, I won't need to meddle. Or rather, even that time when you said you wanted to tell your wife that you love her...” (Allen)

“Idiot, that has nothing to do with it!” (Nick)

Nick hurriedly covered Allen's mouth when he tried to blurt out something unnecessary. Nick and his wife are now a close couple, but the process from their meeting to his confession was nothing but a source of embarrassment to Nick.

And Allen knows that too. After all, he was a little involved with it. Or rather, he was just meddling.

“More importantly, leveling up is amazing after all, I felt it for real this time. If you can gain that much physical strength, I get why the level-up trap becomes popular.” (Nick)

“I guess so. For me, I think it's easy to level up to some extent if you're at a low level, so I think it's a waste to use level-up traps at the start.” (Allen)

“But I’ll be fighting monsters, you know. Just thinking about the worst case scenario would make normal guys shrink.” (Nick)

Even as he smiled wryly at Nick's sudden change of topic, Allen replied. In fact, Allen knew that Nick had a point. Because he had almost died more than once or twice after becoming an adventurer.

In Allen's case, he was young and had no contacts, connections, or skills, so no one would hire him, so he had no choice but to become an adventurer to provide for his younger siblings. And that's not a particularly rare reason. Among adventurers, there are many who suffer from poverty and become adventurers as a result.

They can be said to be adventurers who make money by using their own lives as chips.

“Well, depending on the monster, it's possible to raise your level to a certain extent. Of course, you'll need someone to guide you for safety.” (Allen)

“The money needed to get that someone is... hm? Come to think of it, Allen. Didn’t you say that the amount you paid this time was too small, so you wanted to pay it back in some other way?” (Nick)

“I did. The scale was larger than I expected too, I didn't expect it to take three days. It can’t be...” (Allen)

Allen had a bad feeling and looked at Nick’s face. As if to prove that his bad feeling was correct, Nick had a grin on his face. And it's made perfect by Nick's next words.

“Alright, help me raise my level.” (Nick)

“Geh! Like I said, I'm a guild employee and not an adventurer anymore.” (Allen)

“There’s a thing called ‘skill learned in one's old days’. Besides, I’m not planning to go that far into danger. I have a family after all. So I don't mind if it’s just within the range where you can keep me safe, Allen.” (Nick)

Nick repeatedly gave Allen a hearty pat on the shoulder, and Allen smiled wryly at that, sensing that he's trying not only to raise his level, but also being considerate so that Allen won’t have to spend money to return the favor.

“Alright, I got it. But only on my day off and when it's convenient for me.” (Allen)

“Sure. I'm looking forward to it. See you, Allen.” (Nick)

“Give my regards to your wife and daughter.” (Allen)

“...I won’t hand over my daughter.” (Nick)

“Are you an idiot?” (Allen)

After exchanging such words, Allen parted ways with Nick as he turned down the road to return to his own home, and Allen proceeded to the Adventurers' Guild to report the completion of the request.

All while thinking about which dungeon and where in it should he level up Nick efficiently and safely.




One of the reasons why Lilac City is so prosperous is that there are four dungeons around it. To the north is the Slime Dungeon where Allen usually works as a guild employee, and to the west is the Demon Dungeon that he was conquering as Nera until recently.

That said, these two dungeons did not have much to do with Lilac's prosperity. Things seem to be a little different now though.

“Seems like you’re ready. Then let's go.” (Allen)

“Sure.” (Nick)

The dungeon to the south that Allen is currently heading to, accompanied by Nick wearing the beginner's equipment Allen prepared, is the dungeon that has the most positive influence on Lilac out of the four dungeons.

It attracts many adventurers, and the monster materials produced there become the backbone of Lilac's industry, and the products made are traded at high prices. It is the source of such a virtuous cycle.

This was evidenced by the fact that when Allen was an adventurer, when he went to dungeons alone, he mainly went to the Demon Dungeon, but when he was in a temporary party, he almost always went into this dungeon.

“It's been a while. Since I went into the Lilac Dungeon.” (Allen)

Allen was looking at the entrance to the dungeon that gave the city its name from the story that was passed down about how the founder conquered this dungeon and became the feudal lord that managed this Lilac City with deep emotion when it happened.

“What’s this, if it isn’t the half-baked leftover picking Allen? What's the loser who ran away from being an adventurer coming here for?” (???)

The one who called out to the two of them with such a scorn was,


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