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“Now then, shall we go get revenge?”

I fixed my torn clothes with Repair Magic’s Repair, and also synthesized Lotorl alloy with it to strengthen it while I’m at it.

As for weapons... the only things I can use are the kitchen knives and frying pans, so let's just directly hit her with a straight right.

“A direct hit with a straight right!”

I hit Magatsu Akehoshi with a teleported straight right hand to the face. There's no need to go all the way to that place, right?

Next is a belly punch.
Her abdominal muscles look tough, so I cast Body Strengthening Magic before punching her as hard as I can.


Finally, how about I give her a smack on the butt?
In addition to Body Strengthening Magic, I also used Body Modification Skill to enlarge my right hand and give her a full swing.


Ha ha ha! Pleasant and exhilarating!
I was able to return the favor of being pierced in the chest three times, so this will be the finishing move.

I use teleportation to move behind Magatsu Akehoshi and touch her back.

“YOU! Since just now!!”
“I rather liked your face, you know.”

I put Magatsu Akehoshi away in my Eternal Box and stopped time so that she can’t come out with her outrageous cheat.

“Phew, with this, case is closed.”

Geez, she was quite a formidable enemy, but all's well that ends well! I guess.

“My nosebleed won’t stop...”

Are you saying it hasn’t ended at all? If it’s just a nosebleed, I can just put up with it. Or rather, it seems like it's also dripping from my ears... ah, and from my eyes too... this might be dangerous...

“Be cured with a mega potion! ...I guess it's no good after all.”

The blood isn’t stopping.

My body is falling apart, not only because I’m using the perfected Skills that my body is not used to, but also because Magatsu Akehoshi is probably fighting back with her outrageous cheat.

That said, releasing Magatsu Akehoshi is too bad of a move, so for now, let's activate bleeding nullification and injury nullification.


What the? That’s weird? Even though I’ve nullified both bleeding and injuries, I’m vomiting a lot of blood, isn’t it strange?
Wait, I forgot that I also synthesized Universal Nullification Skill without lowering its level. What a blunder.

Let's temporarily turn off the Nullification Skill that I activated, then activate Constant Recovery Magic and endure it until my body gets used to it.

My magic power is being whittled away, but isn’t this perfect for raising the Level of my Magic Power Recovery Skill?

After cleaning my bloody body with Cleaning Magic, I teleported to where Sananouta was.


“Ah, you're back! As expected of Mama! You calmly do things that even the gods can't do! I'm enthralled with that and admire you!”

Sananouta hugged me with a big smile, so I hugged her back and reported on the current situation.

“Sealed in the Eternal Box, my body, danger, Magatsu Akehoshi, will come right out.”
“Why the broken language?”
“I don't have much leeway...”
“Ahaha, but it'll be okay! Thanks to Mama’s hard work, it looks like we can handle it up there! Good for you, Mama!”

When you say up there, do you mean heaven, the place where the gods live?
In any case, with this I can finally go back to sightseeing in Khizr Country. For now, I feel like relaxing at a hot spring inn.

As I was thinking about this, the sluggishness in my body suddenly disappeared.
When I checked my Eternal Box, Magatsu Akehoshi had completely disappeared. Phew...

“It looks like she was successfully disposed of.”
“Thank you for your hard work, Mama.”

Aah, is it because I’m letting my guard down, my tiredness is starting to come out...


(T/N: This is the end of my translation of this series. I can’t handle translating the rest. There’s just too much tension there. I'm sorry.)

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Thanks for translating it up to this point.