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After parting ways with Okuya-san at the drugstore, Lotorl went around Ganasaki Island, and was disappointed by the lack of tourist attractions here. So she tried asking a dwarf girl clerk-san at the permit counter in the gate plaza about how to cross over to Khizr Country mainland.

“I'm sorry. Right now, accepting foreigners is restricted.”
“Restricted, is it?”
“Between the west and the east is a bit... I'm sorry. I can't say any more to people from other countries.”

Hmm... is it a civil war? Like the Battle of Sekigahara? A great decisive battle? I kinda want to see it just a little bit.

“What if I want to go no matter what?”
“Hmm, it’s not the mainland, but Shikuni Island is the closest island from the mainland, so rowing a boat from there and entering Seiankyo is... wait, that’s no good! Listen, just pretend you didn’t hear what I said.”
“I understand. Then, please give me a travel permit to Shikuni Island."
“Geez, you don’t understand it at all!”

I tried to buy a travel permit to Shikuni Island, but the dwarf girl clerk-san refused, saying, “I will never sell it,” so I picked up a stone that was lying on the ground and used my Alchemy Skill to turn it into gold... no, to orichalcum. Since I was able to transform it into orichalcum on my first try, let's use this to slap the dwarf girl on the cheek.

“I will give you this orichalcum, so please sell me a travel permit to Shikuni Island.”
“No. In the first place, there's no way you have something as rare as orichalcum.”
“I don’t mind if you examine this using your Appraisal Skill though.”
“No. Even if it were real, there’s no way I can let you go to Shikuni Island.”

Geez, what a stubborn clerk-san.

Since it can't be helped, I gave up on the legal route, bought a map of Khizr Country at a general store, and decided to go to Shikuni Island by teleport.
Also, since I already made the orichalcum, and I don't want it to become fertilizer in Storage, I made a magic wishing mallet from it and gave it to the dwarf who seems to love blacksmithing.

“T-this!? Where!? Why did you!?”

Ah, Lotorl might have figured it out...
This is the ‘I did something again?’ case, right?
I guess it was a bad move to create something so easily related to Japanese culture... boohoo.

“...Could it be that, you're Amatsuma-sama?”
“No. I’m called Lotorl.”

I don't know who Amatsuma-sama is, but when it comes to magic wishing mallet, I would say Daikokuten-sama, of the Seven Lucky gods. I don't know if there is a legend of the Seven Lucky gods in Khizr Country, but I don't want to stir up a hornet's nest, so I definitely won’t say something like, “Wouldn’t that be Daikokuten-sama?”


No, really, please don't look at me with the kind of respect you would look at God...

“I don’t know what implication that mallet has, but I’m not the kind of existence you think I am, so please don’t get me wrong.”
“Yes, Lotorl-sama...”

Stop it! That look will do me in! To be more specific, it does about 1000 damage to my mind! Stop!

“Well then, it's about time I go.”
“Ah! Please wait, Lotorl-sama! Lotorl-samaaaaaaaaaa!

I heard a shout from behind, but I didn't look back, casted Acceleration Magic and dashed away.

“I guess it's certain that strange rumors will spread...”

Well, if I move quickly to Shikuni Island, there probably won't be any problems.

For now, to buy a map of Khizr Country, let's find a store that sells it.


“This here is Ganasaki Island, so... Shikuni Island is around Shikoku, huh... Ah, so Shikuni is like that…”

I managed to get a map at a tool shop that vaguely depicts the area around Khizr Country, so I confirmed that Ganasaki Island is not near Nagasaki but near Okinawa, and Shikuni Island is drawn around Shikoku. Well, there's not much point in comparing it with the Japanese archipelago of my previous life, but it's quite interesting to look for similarities.

“Seiankyou is, as I thought, it’s around Kyoto, huh.”

As far as I can see on the map, there is a long way to go from Ganasaki Island to Seiankyou, so I decided to go to Kagono Island first, then head to Kumabon, Oowake, Shikuni Island, and then, Seiankyou, in that order, to the center of Khizr Country. .

“Alright, let's depart.”

I got up from the comfortable chair in the tool shop, put the map in my Inventory, and first headed to Kagono Island.

Once I left the shop, let’s use the cat-ear-shaped clouds floating in the sky as a landmark, teleport, and use my Flight Skill to raise its Skill Level and head to Kagono Island.

“Should I try to challenge the limits of my speed?”

Since my body is made of aero adamantite, I think it will be safe no matter how unreasonable the flight is, so I would like to fly at the maximum speed I can achieve with my current Flight Skill Level.

“Ready, don!!”

If this was a manga, the words ‘DON!!’ would be drawn in the background, and if this was an anime!! There will be a ‘DON!!’ sound effect.

Leaving the joke aside, the sound of the wind was too loud and it would be painful if I kept going like this for a long time, so I cast Wind Deflection Magic on both of my ears.

“It should be okay now.”

All that’s left will be to continue flying to Kagono Island while maintaining the maximum speed.


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