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Now that the back massage is over, I use Cleaning Magic to clean the slimy part and then have her lie on her back.


If this were an anime world, they would be hidden by a mysterious light, but in a disc media, they’d be completely visible. No, she’s a gecko, so it isn’t regulated...?
When I looked down, it was smooth. She’s a gecko, so it’s natural that it doesn't grow hair.
By the way, both were light pink in color. I won't say what they are though.

“Then, I’m applying it.”
“Go ahead─.”

First, I applied it all over to her arms, then her chest, stomach, and legs. All over.

“Nn... that place is...”
“Eh, what is it?”
“...No. It's nothing.”

Is it her belly button? Even though she’s a gecko, she had a belly button, so I was just curious and touched it.
To people who were imagining a different part, please rid yourself of your worldly desires by doing 108 squats.

Once I had applied the lotion to her entire body, I started the massage.

Let's start with her arms.

“Nn─, feels so good...”

Next is her chest.


...How should I put it, these breasts, they felt like fakes that could be taken off. I touched the nipples normally, but her reaction was thin, and I don't think any milk would come out even if she got pregnant.

Were they only imitating humans? For what? To unravel the mystery of the evolution of the gecko race Lotorl will head deep into the jungle, well, I won’t but I'm still curious.

Could they be like a camel hump?

I remembered a story I saw in an animal show in my previous life about how lizards can survive for months without eating by storing nutrients in their tails.

In other words, as they became more humanoid, some individuals began to store nutrients in their chests?

I felt like I had caught a glimpse of the mystery of life.

“Lotorl, your hands’ stopped though?”
“I'm sorry. I got curious about Rin-san's breasts.”
“Breasts? Aah, these aren't breasts, they’re bumps. They’re meant to be cut off and used as emergency food or decoy in case of an emergency, like when you're lost or attacked by a monster. If you eat properly. It seems like it will grow back in about three days. I've never had those cut off before though.”
“I see...”

I might want to try eating it...

“...Hmm, well, I guess it’s fine. Here, go ahead.”

What’s this!? Rin-san, what are you doing?? Why did you take off your breasts in such a casual way, as if you were an Anpan hero sharing his own body??

“Anyway, potion!”

I took out a mega potion from Storage and quickly poured it onto both of her breasts that had been gouged out like a bowl, regenerating her breasts to be a little larger than before.

“Owa!? It's healed already!?”
“What are you doing, Rin-san?”
“You ask what, Lotorl is looking at my bump with a hungry look, so I thought it’d be nice if I could pay Lotorl back even a little, even if it doesn’t have to be for the katana... If you really don’t need it, you can just throw it away though.”
“Ah... fufu.”

I thought that if I refrained and let this opportunity pass, I would never have another chance to eat these, so I followed my primal instinct and sucked on the nipple of what had been Rin-san's breast until just now.

“Chuu─ chuu─, yummy!”

It tastes like the breast egg bomb ball ice cream I ate in my previous life! So goooood!

Once I started drinking it, I couldn't stop, and I sucked out every drop, leaving only a soft and flabby skin. I might be able to use it for something later, so let’s put it away in my Inventory.

“What did it taste like?”
“It tasted like melted ice cream. It was really delicious!”
“I see, then maybe I should try it too?”
“It's originally Rin-san's breast anyway, go ahead go ahead.”
“It's not a breast, it's a bump. Chu─ chu─, hmm? It doesn't taste good to me... Lotorl's potion is many times more delicious.”
“I see...”

Potion... boobs... drinking... I have an idea!

“Would you like to exchange a mega potion with Rin-san’s boobs?”

Ahhh!? Crap...! I made a terrible perverted statement in the heat of the moment...
Even though I was able to become friends with Rin-san, this will disillusion her of me...

“I’m fine with the exchange, but it depends on the taste of the mega potion. Also, they’re bumps.”
“The ex potion was delicious, but that doesn't mean mega potion is also delicious, right? You can't trade something that doesn't taste good for something that does.”
“Ah, so that’s...”

That was close... I broke into a cold sweat thinking that Rin-san hated me...

“If that's the case, please try one mega potion.”

I took out a mega potion from Storage and handed it to Rin-san.

“So this is a mega potion... sniff sniff, it doesn't smell anything. Then... glug glug, puha! Delicious! One more!”

Apparently she liked it. Now I can exchange these with Rin-san's boobs without reserve.

“Unlike ex potion, its taste is more mellow and I feel like it’d be even more delicious if it was chilled!”
“Fumu fumu, then, how many bottles should I exchange?”
“With this amount, I can go for another 100 bottles! Let me drink plenty of it!”

And so, I temporarily stopped the massage and started exchanging mega potions with Rin-san's boobs.

“Here, the bumps.”
“Here is the mega potion.”
“Glug glug, puha! Delicious! Ooh, so they grow back quickly after I drink one! Here, the bumps.”

We repeated this 100 times and I stored 200 boobs from both breasts in my Inventory. Gehehehehe.

“Burp, I guess drinking 100 bottles is too much...”
“Thank you so much Rin-san!”
“Thank you to you too for letting me drink so much!”

After that, we decided to take a break until Rin-san's stomach, which had become bloated due to the mega potions, calmed down and resumed the massage after that.


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