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Having escaped from the tourists, we have now arrived at a lake abundant with nature.

“It's spacious here, and there aren't many tourists, so even if we do something strange, they won't come near us that much.”
“What a beautiful lake.”

The water surface reflected the sunlight and sparkled. And I saw a fish mimicking that sparkle and swallowed a waterfowl in one gulp. I suppose it's best not to play in the water as it seems like it's crawling with terrifying creatures.

“So, when can I have the promised item?”
“Please wait a moment. I'll take it out now.”

I took out a large boulder from Storage, or rather I spat it out on the ground. As expected, I can't hold it with my slender arms.

“Not this one, the potion one!”
“Eh, is that so?”
“I’ve never tasted such a delicious potion even once in my life!”

She seems to like it quite a lot, but ex potion has the effect of raising the maximum value of one’s stats, so I don't think it's a good idea to let her drink too much, so let’s limit the amount of ex potion a person can drink in their lifetime to be 5 bottles. I'll be an exception though.

“The potion I gave Rin-san is called ex potion, and it's a very potent medicine, so a person is only allowed to drink five in their lifetime. Rin-san drank one bottle just now. So you can only drink four more.”
“Ee─h! I want to drink more! Isn’t there anything you can do!?”
“There isn’t. I'll give you four bottles for now, so please drink it when you're about to die or lose a limb or internal organ.”
“...That ex potion, seems like it’s more valuable than any valuable metal though?”
“You can't sell it, because if you do, somehow or other a lot of people will die. Please use it when you or someone you care about is about to die.”
“I-I see. I got it!”

And so, I took out 8 bottles of mega potions from Storage, synthesized them, and gave the resulting 4 bottles of ex potion to Rin-san.

“Thank you, Lotorl! I will drink it carefully!”
“Yes. Let's get started with the boulder. If there's any metal you'd like me to turn it to, please tell me now.”
“Let me think... is something like khizrkane possible?”
“Aah, I probably can’t. I can't really turn it into something that I've never seen or heard of. I think I could do it if I saw the real thing though.”

If it’s hihiirokane, I might have been able to do it in one try by using the memories of my previous life, but if it’s khizrkane, as expected I feel like it’d be impossible. There's nothing I can do since I don't have the information necessary to activate the Skill.

“A shame, I've never seen the real thing either. I'm sure you'll find it somewhere if you go to Khizr Country, but fine, how about orichalcum?”
“If it’s that, I can do it. Let's start right away.”

I put my hand on the large boulder that I spat out from Storage earlier and it transformed it into metal.

Hihiirokane, uwa, it came out!?

“How about hihiirokane?”
“Hihiirokane... what kind of metal is that?”

Is there no information out there about hihiirokane, or is it only Rin-san who doesn’t know of it, or maybe she just doesn’t realize it’s hihiirokane because she calls it khizrkane... hmm.

“Do you know the characteristics of khizrkane?”
“Umm, I think it looks bluish-white and shiny.”

This hihiirokane is shining red and golden, so it is different from khizrkane.

“I’ll try appraising just a little bit.”

I appraised hihiirokane using Appraisal Skill.

Hihiirokane, a metal that shines red and gold.

My Appraisal Skill Level is currently 22, so it seems that I can hardly appraise mythical-class items. I've been slacking on leveling up my Skills recently, so I need to work on them again.

I took out the appraisal ring from my Inventory and put it on my finger and appraised it again.

Hihiirokane, mainly used to strengthen mythical-class items. Also often used as a catalyst for summoning seraphs. It is recommended to alloy it because it is soft enough that even teeth can easily leave marks on it. By the way, this is something that I asked the god in charge of metals to make for you as an apology for the Storage bug. As for the god in charge of Skills, I created the god you mentioned called Sananouta and attached her to you as an assistant, so you should be able to synthesize Skills with ease from now on. Also, I accidentally broke your guitar, so it'd be helpful if you could kindly make another one and offer it to me. Well, putting that aside, I'll always be watching over you, so enjoy life to your heart's content. Well then.

“...It seems to be a soft metal, so let's change it to orichalcum.”
“Eh, okay...?”

I decided to pretend not to see the appraisal result and bury the existence of hihiirokane in the dark.

Or rather, creating a heretic god is way too dangerous. This would normally turn into the extinction of humanity. Isekai is over.
Sananouta herself is a naughty and cute-looking girl, but she loves people so much that she absorb the whole humanity and says things like, “I am all of humanity.” She's dangerous and crazy.
Her signature move is making people immortal and then increasing their sensitivity by 5,000 trillion times, and then giving them sensual massages using tentacles disguised as her own hair. She’s dangerous.
In any case, she’s dangerously dangerous!

“What's wrong with you, you’re suddenly freezing up.”
“No, I'm a little, pessimistic about the future...”
“It'll be okay! Lotorl can change it easily! You can do it! You can do it!”

Rin-san is probably talking about metal transformation, but somehow, I feel like it'll be okay.

“That's true. I think I'll try my best and not give up until the end!”
“That's the spirit!”

I was able to renew my mood with Rin-san's brightness, so let's quickly transform it into orichalcum.

Hihiirokane, hihiirokane, hihiirokane, hihiirokane, hihiirokane...

Is this a bug?

Hihiirokane, hihiirokane, hihiirokane, hihiirokane, hihiirokane...

“I'm not feeling well, so could we use another boulder?”
“Eh, that’s fine, but if that doesn’t work, even that hihiirokane is fine, you know?”
“That’s no good.”
“Eh, I see...?”
“It'll be okay. I'll prepare some orichalcum right away!”

I look for a suitable boulder and transform it into metal.

Iron, copper, gold, iron, mithril, silver, mithril, silver, orichalcum, silver, ah! Iron, silver, copper, copper, gold, lead, silver, nickel, hihiirokane, hihiirokane, hihiirokane...

“Hyowa!? What’s wrong!?”
“I’m sorry, I got a little emotional.”

Isn’t a bug where if you transform something into hihiirokane you can't transform it into anything other than hihiirokane a serious problem? What’s the management doing? Do the maintenance now!

“Su─, ha─... alright, let's find the next boulder.”
“If you're not feeling well, you don't have to push yourself too hard, okay?”
“It's okay! I'll quickly transform it into orichalcum!”

After that, I was plagued by the bug where I couldn't transform hihiirokane several times, but I managed to transform it into orichalcum, so let’s call it okay.
I used Alchemy Skill to liquefy the large amount of industrial waste called hihiirokane that was left over, and thoroughly cleaned it using Cleaning Magic.


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