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Lotorl, who was enjoying sightseeing on Dragen Island, discovered a cute, humanoid-looking, all-white gecko onee-san (whether she looks cute or not is a matter of personal opinion) in the city, and was currently following her around. I’m not a stalker, you know? That’s what the stalker themself unconsciously thinks while doing their stalking, and that’s what makes them bad. I'm aware of what I'm doing, so that makes me not bad.

I followed the white gecko onee-san for a while, maintaining a reasonable distance, trying not to look suspicious, and then I saw her entering a building that I think is the Adventurer's Guild, so I went inside as well.

“Why can't this be good enough?”
“That’s why I warned you earlier, to get it with the roots, didn’t I?”
“Isn’t it fine if I missed it a bit?! Stingy, stingy, stingy!”
“...Next person please.”
“Wait!? Isn’t it terrible that you ignore me?”

A red anemone-like, wiggling plant was on the counter, and the white gecko onee-san was lashing out at a silver-haired receptionist with a lizard-like face.

“Hey, please! You can just call this request completed! Otherwise, I won't have enough money for today's lodging! Please, please, please!”
“No. You mustn't cheat. If you don't have the money, please go collect it again and complete the request.”
“Even if I go out to collect it now, won't it be midnight by the time I find it?! I don't want to go home in the morning!”
“...Next person please.”
“Aa─h! Don't ignore me!”

Apparently, the white gecko onee-san couldn’t complete her request and is having trouble with money, so I thought I would help her out and get a nice tender mufufu as a thank you later. Guhehehe.

“You seem to be in some kind of trouble, but from what I can see, it seems like the problem can be solved by just making the plant grow roots, so please excuse me for a moment.”

I took out a mega potion from Storage and sprinkled it on the red sea anemone-like plant to regenerate its roots. It's grown a little bit, but there is nothing wrong with it as long as it is big enough.


The dumbfounded white gecko-san and the wide-eyed silver-haired lizard-san. Both are so cute that I want to take them home.

“That settles it, I suppose.”
“What exactly is that potion...?”
“That's amazing! Who are you!? But you saved me! Thank you!”

As I thought, being thanked by another person is nice, isn’t it? She looks like a reptile though.

“This completes the request, right?”
“Yes, the request is completed. But next time, please don’t forget the warning, okay?”
“Ugh, I get it already!”

After successfully completing the request, White Gecko-san, “how about having dinner after this?” invited me, so I immediately replied with confirmation. Fuhihi.

We moved to the cafeteria in the Adventurer's Guild, sat down at a table facing each other, ordered food, and from this point on, I would like to gradually close the distance between us and get to know each other.

“Thank you so much for earlier, okay?”
“We're all here for each other in times of need.”
“You say some nice things! I like you! Let's be friends from today!”

Un, this white gecko-san, her sense of distance is bugged.
It's better because it's easier than poorly trying to carefully butter her up, but Lotorl is worried because she seems like she could easily fall for a scam.

“I'm happy to be your friend, but I don't even know your name yet, so let’s start by introducing ourselves. I’m called Lotorl. What I like is girls... ‘s smiles, and I'm currently sightseeing Dragen Island.”
“I'm Yamorin. What I like is morikani, and I'm a migrant worker right now. My hometown is on a different island, but if it’s just tourist information, I can give it to you, so why don't we go after we finish eating?”
“That's nice. Please take care of me.”
“It’s decided!”

Yamorin-san, huh. I don't know if her parents' naming sense is like that, or if the geckos' naming culture is like that, but I think it’s cute. That naming sense feels like it would probably be in the top three names people would give to a gecko as a pet in my previous life.

* (T/N: gecko = yamori.)

“Hey, is it okay if I call you Lotorl?”
“It’s fine. I'll call you Rin-san too.”
“Fufu, then, nice to meet you, Lotorl!”
“Nice to meet you too, Rin-san.”

Thanks to Rin-san's bugged sense of distance, we were able to deepen our relationship in one go, but on the other hand, I have a tendency to be taken advantage of, so I have to be careful.

“This is delicious, try some too Lotorl, here, aa─n.”
“A─n, monyu monyu, this is delicious!”

If I was going to be taken advantage of by Rin-san, that’d be my long-cherished ambition.


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