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After eating dinner at the inn, I went back to my room and decided to try making a guitar right away.

I took out wood powder and adamantite from Storage, compounded them, synthesized them, and alchemized them to try to create the guitar prototype according to the structure I had saved.

“Alright, let's get right into it.”

When I tried strumming it, I was struck by a tremendous sense of discomfort.

“The tuning is terrible...”

Is it natural that the pitch of a guitar in another world is different from the pitch of a guitar in my previous world?

If it stays like this, I will only feel a sense of discomfort, so I’ll tune it to the pitch that I remember from my previous life.
By the way, in my previous life I played piano, guitar, bass, harmonica and recorder. I started playing them because of the influence of anime, so I can't really play them properly though.

As I turned the peg and pulled or loosened the string, I got closer to the pitch I remembered from my previous life.

“I wish I had a tuning magic... Ah, Creation Magic? Huh, Tuning Magic, create. Guitar Tuning.”

* (T/N: italized to indicate she casted a spell.)

Using my Universal Magic Skill, I activated Creation Magic and created Tuning Magic, and when I cast Tuning spell on my guitar, the pegs began to turn on their own and tuned the guitar.

When I played each string one by one, it sounded at the same pitch as I remembered from my previous life, so it was a great success.

Let's play a song right away.

“A love heart beats in your heart too. Take destiny head-on♪”

War is worthless, listen to my song! Like that, right?

* (T/N: reference to Macross, both the song and the line below that. I had to google it, and it was a lot of trouble.)

By the way, I can only play this here.
The only songs I can play properly are the bass of AB's Yui-nyan version of the opening song and Wakemonogatari’s BGM when Motsuki appears.

* (T/N: the one above is reference to Angel Beats and Monogatari Series, and the one below is reference to Macross. I think. I don’t watch anime much, so I can’t be sure it’s the correct references. I don’t even know who Motsuki (or maybe it’s read as Megi or Meki) is referring to.)

“Musical Performance Magic, create. Attack! Love Heart!”

I created Musical Performance Magic using Creation Magic.
It’s magic that allows you to perfectly play any song if it exists in your memory.
However, the more vague your memory of the song, the more magic power you consume.
If you try to play a song you have never heard of before, all your magical power will be consumed and you will pass out.

“Pierce through beyond the heavens. Attack! love heart♪”

I was convinced that this would allow me to make a living as a musician. I won't, though.

I enjoyed playing the guitar to my heart's content, and when I was satisfied, I soundly went to bed.
When I woke up the next day, my guitar had been stolen.

“Go... goddamned shitheeeeaaaadddd───!!”


(T/N: all the reference here is not a full reference, just a parody, so the line might be slightly different from the original work.)

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