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“...Good morning.”

I asked the innkeeper about the location of the Merchant Guild and went there.
Perhaps because it's the Merchant Guild, the building looked expensive and unnecessarily huge, creating an atmosphere that made it difficult for me, a child, to enter.

“Oh, what’s this? This isn't the place for brats.”
“I know right... goodbye...”
“You idiot! Don’t go around scaring kids!”
“Ouch!? It's just a joke. A joke.”
“Sorry, this lion-san isn't actually as scary as he looks, so don't worry, okay?”
“I'm a scary lion! Gaoo!”
“Enough already, you go to the back!”

Just when I thought the lion and tiger started doing manzai all of a sudden, it ended right away.
Are they a carnivorous comedy duo?
Is this what they call a tragic comedy? With just the tiger.
I don't really know its original meaning though.

* (T/N: torajikomedi - tragic comedy. Tora - tiger. They’re all in katakana.)

“Do you need something?”
“Um, I wanted to ask for a carriage to take me to Difas country.”
“Difas country, is it? Are you alone?”
“That’s right.”
“Alone, huh, I guess it’ll be 100,000 El, no, 80,000 El. I think it would be cheaper if there were more people though.”
“I have the money, so please.”
“I see, then wait a little while. I'll get it ready.”

After the tiger onee-san said that, she went to the door in the back that said Staff Only.
I had some free time while I was waiting, so I looked around the guild and saw numerous beautiful furnishings, rows of large shelves filled with stacks of documents, and a lot of wooden crates.

“Thank you for waiting. Payment must be made in advance, and food, drinks, and tent supplies will be cost extra. In case you're waiting to share, we'll give you a discount based on the number of people.”

The tiger onee-san came back bringing along a fox-faced onii-san with sharp eyes. He’s closer to human, so the furry feeling is faint.
I wonder if this person will be the coachman?

“I understand. I’m fine with not waiting to share.”

I took out 80,000 El from Storage and handed it to the tiger onee-san.

“I have confirmed it. Well then, we'll guide you to the carriage. I leave the rest to you.”
“Dear passenger, please come this way.”

As I followed Fox-san's guidance, we stopped in front of a luxuriously decorated carriage.

“This? Really? Isn't it too luxurious?”
“Please rest assured, there will be no additional charges.”
“I see, then, please.”

When I did as I was told and got on, the inside was also so luxurious that I became even more worried that only nobles and rich people would be allowed to ride on it.
Is there a possibility, even at a microscopic level, that I’m being mistaken for a noble traveling alone incognito or something?

“Then we will depart, so please take your time and relax.”

Aaah, right when I thought about that, we departed...
There really aren't any additional charges, right? I can't help but feel like I'm being deceived by a fox.

We safely arrived at the village in the evening.
I stayed one night at the same inn.
The next day, we departed for the next village without me oversleeping.

After that too, while talking about business matters and making small talk, the journey continued smoothly, except for that time when I built a simple hut when we had to camp and Fox-san's narrow eyes widened in surprise, which left an impression on me, nothing special happened, and we arrived at Difas country in no time.

“It feels different from the carriage trip I expected...”

I wouldn't say stormy and full of drama, but wouldn't it be nice if something happened?
Thieves and monsters didn't do any single work.
I know it's better that way. I know, but, you know?
Well, let's accept that peace is better than being attacked by hordes of monsters.

Fox-san was a normally good person, and I have nothing but trust and confidence in the Merchant Guild. I look forward to working with them in the future, I thought.

Now that I have safely arrived in Difas country, let's do some sightseeing before heading to Lycorus country.


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