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I've gotten quite off track, so let's go back to my original purpose and look for an item that will allow me to learn magic.

At Appraisal level 20, it seems that the details are omitted from the display, so I still ended up mass producing potions.

“Floating potion, wind attribute raising potion, magic recovery potion, weathering potion, corrosion potion, hmm, light potion? uhhh, it makes your body glow when you drink it, right? ...Just from the looks of it, it looks like it could turn you into a clubber.”

I ended up imagining a hellish scene where a cheery person being who they are forces a gloomy person to drink this and says, “Otaku-kun, you're really shining right now!” Stop it!

That’s enough of my delusional paranoia, I gathered the potions that seem good, and used Compounding, Synthesis, and Alchemy to increase their potency.


“Ooh, I’m floating.”

I increased its potency with Synthesis Skill, removed its impurities with Compounding Skill, and changed its potency with Alchemy Skill. Finally, I synthesized it into my body.

Currently, I have acquired Flight Skill, Wind Magic Skills, Light Magic Skill, and Magic Power Recovery Skill.
Weathering and Corrosion Skills are scary, so I synthesized it into an amber ring made of resin.
Of course, if I acquire the perfected Skills easily, I will go through a bitter experience, so each one is level 1. I synthesized the mastered skills into a ring. I plan to use them in times of crisis.
For Appraisal Skill, I’ll use it when I discover something unknown, like a UFO, so I decided to keep it as is. It's a fantasy world after all, you never know what's going to happen.

By the way, my current levels of Compounding, Synthesis, and Alchemy Skills are 30, 30, and 35.

I have achieved my objective, so it's about time I go home.
But, paying the gate tolls everytime I go back and forth over and over again is a waste, so I think I’ll take everything I can get from the Hanging Garden and turn it into a potion, powder, or pill, and take it home with me.

My backpack became insanely heavy, but I synthesized a pill with a floating effect with my backpack and created a floating backpack. With this, I can carry it without any difficulty.

In order to get down to the ground, I didn't use my own Flying Skill, but instead used the floating skill of the uncle who brought me there in the first place. Because I don't want to waste the round trip cost.
...My frugal nature remains the same in both my previous life and this one.

All that’s left after that was just to go home, so I returned to the Gate, when I suddenly thought of something.
Isn't the gate also a magic tool...? Was what I thought.
As you’d expect, I wouldn't do something outrageous like turning a part of the Gate into a potion.
It seems to be an old building, so I looked for any fallen debris, and sure enough, there it was.
A fragment of the Gate that has a teleportation effect.
I immediately picked it up, liquefied it, and synthesized it into my body. The reason I liquefy it every time is because if it’s solid, my image of it is that it will stick to the body as is. The image you have when you use a Skill is important.
Anyway, Teleportation Skill, get!

Since I have already paid for the round trip, I show my permit to the person in charge and return normally.
By the way, the used permit will be stamped with a ‘used’ stamp and you can take it home as a souvenir.

I return to the city and head to the suburbs. Let’s move away from human habitation.

I came to a deserted plain to test my Teleportation Skill.

I make a mark on the ground and move about 10 meters away.


I felt a floating feeling for a moment, and when I looked at my feet, I saw that I had moved to the marked place. Stark naked.

“...No one's watching, right?”

I looked around, no one was here.

I immediately put my clothes back on and investigated the cause.

“I'm still wearing my ring and sunglasses... hmm. Is it whether it’s equipped or not?”

I don't know if my previous life's game knowledge is accurate, but I'll hypothesize so.
Rings and sunglasses have the image of being equipment, but for clothes or backpacks, I was just wearing or carrying them, or rather, I only recognized them as absolutely normal things, so to start again, I’ll think of them as equipment, and once again, try teleporting.

“Teleport! ...Ooh, I did it!”

As I thought, image is important.
Now I know why the uncle with the floating skill put his hand on my shoulder.

In other words, at that time, I was the property of that uncle, huh...

Stop imagining weird things and let’s try teleporting myself to a place beside the bath that I built in the forest, although it may be a bit scary.
I'm immortal, I won't die so quickly! I can do it, I can do it.
The bath in the forest, the bath in the forest, the ceramic bath that I made in the forest, a place that has a hut that I built near it!

“Teleport! ...Kuh, uuu?”

After a moment of floating feeling, I slowly opened my eyes and saw the hut I had built right in front of me. Dangerous...
I just barely avoided becoming a wall butt. Yay!
I definitely cannot use it in crowded areas. At worst, I'll end up killing someone.

...Could it be, can I synthesize humans as well...?

I did think of such a dangerous idea, but I'm a perceptive brat, so I definitely won’t do it! Maybe between multiple monsters? That, in its own way, has a bit of a mad scientist feel to it. I'm not saying I won't do it.

Let's put all this nonsense aside and take a bath since I’m here.
I forgot to put the lid on it, so it's almost empty.
I see multiple animal footprints here, so it seems like animals drank it.
Since it was a potion bath, the animals must have become healthier as well.

I suppose I can't come here anymore... Let's change places.


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