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I went out empty-handed, so today I'm going to check out the Alchemy Guild's library to see if there's any medicine that can help me learn magic.

“Magic, magic, ma, ma, ma, there it is.”

It's nice that any guild member can read it.

“Sorcerer's tonic, magical beast’s bodily fluids, ether, magical herbs, hmmm.”

I got the general idea.
For now, I can just throw anything that has magical power into the potion kit, right?

I don’t get it at all.

Anyway, it’ll take some time to go back to get the potion kit, so should I go to the Magician's Guild for a frontal attack?


I finally arrived at the Magician’s Guild. Let's register immediately.

“I’d like to register, please.”
“Yes, yes, okay, registration is complete. Good luck!”

Fumu, the Magician’s Guild onee-san is also quite...
Just like creating a woman from port to port, it might be possible to create a favorite onee-san from guild to guild. The more people I can tease, the more fun it is. Truly a scum’s idea!

* (T/N: I don’t know the origin of that metaphor, but I’m pretty sure it’s about sailors who spend a long time in the sea, and they go see a woman in a port, but they go from place to place, so they have a woman in every port.)

“I want to learn magic, but what should I do?”
“In that case, you can either participate in the free training sessions, or you can pay money to put up a request on the board, or you can study on your own in the library, and last, you can learn using items.”
“Is Onee-san good at teaching?”
“Me!? I, look, I have a job to do as a receptionist! Please find someone else!”
“...Are you, bad at magic?”
“I’m not!”
“So you became a receptionist because you’re bad at it...”
“No! I'm not bad at it! I can use magic properly!”
“Then, can you show me something?”
“Umm, if, if it’s here, I think it might be, a little, dangerous.”
“I see, that’s a shame...”
“That's how it is, so please ask someone else──”
“Can Onee-san please show me when you are free?”
“Kuuuh! I-I'm busy working at the reception desk! I'm sorry! Next person please!”

Aahn, even though I’m just getting started!
I don't want to get in the way of people who are lining up, so it can't be helped but, should I go to the library?

There are a lot of people.
The library of the Magician’s Guild was overflowing with people.
I don't like crowds, but I want to read magic books, so I went to a deserted bookshelf.

“Consideration of Light Magic against Dark Magic. How To Reduce Magic Consumption in Life Magic. How To Use Muffling Magic That Even a Cat Can Understand. How To Use Magic That Makes Fried Chicken Come out of Your Right Hand. 10 Magics That Stop Attack Magic That Comes out of the Enemy’s Butt.”

I was curious about the fried chicken one, so I read it and found out it was a delusion. I feel let down.
I also read a lot of other things, and the one that was easiest to understand was the Basic Magic Lexicon.
Fire’, fire will come out. ‘Water’, water will come out. ‘Wind’, wind will blow.
Like that, it’s written in such a way that anyone who can read can understand it.
I chanted the Wind spell as a test, but nothing happened, so it seems that just chanting isn't enough.
I have a general idea of what kind of magic there is in this world, so let’s consider this a good thing.

And I’ve passed the time pretty nicely, so let's go back once to get the potion kit.


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