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“Fertilizer... alcohol... liquid sugar... lotion... oil... honey...!”

I used the Anything Potion Kit for alchemy and threw flowers into it at random, and as a result, I was able to create ingredients for shampoo.
Why do I know they’re ingredients of shampoo? It's because my Alchemy Skill whispered it to me. It feels like something just comes to mind in my head though.

“Compound, Synthesis, Alchemy! Yes, the shampoo is complete!”

I put my right foot up on the stump that I always work on, put my left hand on my hip, and held a shampoo bottle in my right hand, raising it high into the sky with a smug look on my face.

[Lotorl has completed the shampoo!]

I feel like I see a system message saying that. I can't actually see it though.

By the way, the bees in this world are about the size of a cow, so if you get close to a beehive, you will die. Because of that, honey hardly appears on the market.

“Let’s taste it, let’s taste it, so sweeeet! So it tastes like this.”

I yummily gobbled up honey in the potion bottle. It’s the best!
If there are lemons on sale at the market, let’s make it into lemonade and drink it.

Next, I’ll make a spray!

“Is the sprayer my limit...?”

* (T/N: [スプレー - Spray], [霧吹き - sprayer.] I don’t know the difference.)

I couldn't think of a way to make a spray, but a sprayer would work just fine.
When I attached it to a bottle containing Hi-Potion and sprayed it as a test, a beautiful rainbow appeared. Fairy tale!
I feel like I'm using it in a really wasteful way, but I can make as much as I want, so whatever.

“Oya? Oyaoyaoya? The flowers are growing rapidly...  huh...!?"

Hi-Potion has such an effect!? This is a new discovery!
As I got carried away and scattered the mist of Hi-Potion, weeds began to grow and huge flowers began to bloom, making it truly become a fairy tale.
I wonder if my name will go down in history as a fairy tale called Flower Blooming Girl later?

Rather than that, if I have this Hi-Potion Sprayer, I won't have to move around to collect materials every time, and I can just stay here. Convenient, convenient.

After that, I used the potion kit for compounding and mass-produced Hi-Potions.
I also created some body part loss recovery potions, but the name is too long, so I renamed them Mega Potions.

Next, while making health potions, I managed to make a potion that could cure all illnesses, so I tried drinking it right away, but it tasted super yucky and gross. Like muddy vegetable juice concentrated 100 times. Even if I say that, no one will probably understand. If I say stink bug juice, would anyone know what it is?

I checked my body after drinking it, and it seems that me being skinny is not because of illness. Let's eat a lot and gain weight. Both the Otaku-kun in my past life and myself in this life love being squishy.

When I returned to the Item Creation Guild, Samari-onee-san welcomed me with a kind smile, saying, “Welcome home”.
I replied, “I'm home,” and said, “I have a present for Onee-san,” and forced the super yucky and gross potion into her mouth, making her drink it. No mercy, no, in this case I have is mercy, right? I’m trying to make her healthy, so I have mercy, right?

“Uu... tastes awful...”

The feeling of the light disappearing from Onee-san’s eyes and her leaning helplessly on the chair was the best, it made me shiver. While suppressing my desire to mess her up, I explained that it was a potion that would make her healthy.

“Now that I think about it... my shoulder stiffness and lower back pain have healed!?”

Good, good.
All’s well that ends well!

Dinner was a hamburger steak prepared by Onee-san that was neither delicious nor bad.
Maybe it’s a good idea to make Onee-san dependent on me to the point where the world will end without me?
It's devilish even if I say so myself. Tehehe.


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