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I finished my business at the Item Creation Guild, so I headed straight to the forest. I'll do my best to make potions!

“Even things like stones and tree branches can also be turned into potions? ...That guild, isn’t it actually pretty amazing?”

While muttering something like that, I worked hard on potion making.

So stones produce mercury, and tree branches produce resin. What is a potion?
It's probably due to my Alchemy Skill. I don't really understand though.

I can think of many ways to use resin, but the only knowledge I have about mercury is that it's harmful to the human body, so I think I'll ask the Alchemy Guild to buy it.

Soil produces liquid fertilizer and sometimes detoxification potions, and leaves produce liquid intestinal and laxative solutions. Why?

I put everything I could find in the forest into the potion kit one by one, kept turning the handle, and synthesized all the finished items. The completed product is a pseudo-elixir. I’ve gone and made a crude wonder drug...

It's frustrating that my Compounding level was so low that the active ingredients disappeared along with the harmful ingredients.
Drinking this won't make me immortal, but it does seem to extend my lifespan. By about one week.
After 50 times of mass-producing and synthesizing this pseudo-elixir, the elixir is finally complete! I did it!

“Is this what the little girl god was talking about when she said to look forward to it?”

I feel like it’s ‘this too’. I think I can make more amazing things. That's crazy.

If I sell this elixir without thinking about anything, it’ll probably bounce from one place to another and start a world war.
I might become a brainwashed slave and will be made to work forever.
It's all a delusion though.

And so, I have to dispose of this hazardous material quickly.

“Drinking now. Gulp gulp.”

It tastes like water. It tastes better than the tap water in my previous life.

No change in my body. No change...?


I’ve gone and done it... I'm really stupid.

“I'm immortal! I'm a kid! I'm forever 10 years old!? That’s the best!? No, that’s the worst!!”

Ugaaaaa! I’ve gone and done iiiiiit!!
What should I do?! What should I really do?? What should I, wait?

“It’ll be solved if I just make a growth medicine. Of course I knew that."

Otaku-kun's knowledge is useful in situations like this.

I should just drink a potion that makes me grow 1 year older on my birthday. There is a possibility that I will suddenly become bon, kyuu, bon, but that's about it.* (T/N: become busty and curvy?)
By the way, I don't know my real birthday because I'm an orphan.
The day I’m placed in the orphanage will be my birthday.

Now that the problem of not being able to grow has been resolved, all that’s left is to make some Hi-Potions and have the Pharmacist Guild buy them.
After all, if I sell a lot of things, I’ll get into a lot of trouble.
The Item Creation Guild is rejected because they have no money.

I continued making Hi-Potions until the sun went down and completed about 120 Hi-Potions.
Selling them all at once might cause problems, so let’s sell three a day.


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