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By the time I got to the city, my legs were wobbly. I guess it was a little too far for a child's feet.
Even when I was a Hiki-NEET, this distance would have been nothing, but I guess I shouldn’t push myself too hard.
Anyway, I found the signboard for the Adventurer's Guild, so I thought I'd take a break there.

When I entered the adventurer's guild, I saw adventurers having fun and drinking together, and I began to realize that I had truly arrived in another world.
That’s enough of being moved, anyway, I just want to sit down now.

I sit down at an empty seat, pour some water from the jug on the table, and take a gulp.


I thought that if a child was sitting alone at a table in the adventurer's guild, they would be looked at with curiosity, and that an event might occur where thugs would come to pick on them, but nothing in particular happened.
I was looking forward to it a bit though.

After sitting for a while, my fatigue started to disappear, so I headed to the reception desk to register with the guild.

“Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild. Today is, registration, is it? Please put your hand over here. Yes, registration is complete. There will be a fee for reissuing your card, so please be careful. Well then, have a good adventurer's life!”

Guild registration went more easily than I had expected.
In fact, I didn't say a word. I just nodded.

Wow! That's an amazing status! With this, subjugating the demon king is no longer a dream! I was expecting something like that, but in the first place there were no demon kings or heroes in this world.
That aside, now comes the fun part: the status opening event.
I check the status written on the card.

Lotorl, human, female, 10 years old, adventurer level 1.

As expected, HP and attack power are not written down...
When I looked at the back side, there was a skill column, and written there were Compounding Skill, Synthesis Skill, and Alchemy Skill, each of which was listed as level 1.

My life as an adventurer was cut short.
No, I can do it if I push myself. In the alchemist game, I was doing my best by throwing the items I made! Anything could be solved with bombs! I can do it, I can do it! Let’s go!

“That’s not realistic at all, really...”

A 30-year-old boy was fed up by a 10-year-old girl. It’s a one-man joke though.

If it’s compounding, I think I can work in the Pharmacist Guild, alchemy in the Alchemy Guild, and synthesis in any production guild.
Sigh... For now, it looks like my isekai adventure tale has come to an end.
There's nothing wrong with living a slow life, but since I’m in a different world, I wanted to do Ore TUEEEEEEEEE, you know.
Well, I'll pass on feeling pain though. Ah, about having a baby...
Let's quickly develop painkillers!
I don't know if I’ll find a partner though! It’d be nice if he’s a male daughter. Or should I grow it?

* (T/N: 男の娘 - male daughter -  young man who has a feminine aesthetic.)

“Are you okay? You've been groaning for a while now, do you feel pain anywhere?”

I suddenly heard someone call out to me and my body jumped.
When I looked at the owner of the voice, I saw a handsome adventurer with blond hair and blue eyes. I was enchanted.
Well, from Lotorl’s perspective, he's a handsome guy, but from my previous life's point of view, he's far from a love interest.
It might work if he dressed up as a woman or turned into a woman though. Gehehe.
What's with the gehehe, I'm grossed out myself.

“I-I’m okay. I was hoping for a combat job, but I only had the skills for a production job, so I was reconsidering my future life plans.”

I grew up being bullied in an orphanage, so I have communication disorder in this world as well.
My eyes are darting around.

“That is regrettable... If you don't mind, how about I introduce you to a pharmacist I know?”
“No, I'll think about it some more. Thank you very much.”
“I see, alright. If you have any trouble, let me know. I'm Shishido. Even if I look like this, I'm still a mid-level adventurer at adventurer level 38. I think I can at least be your guard or escort you when you are gathering. As expected, I can’t defeat dragons but I’ve defeated a pterosaur before. I’m just bragging, though. Ahaha.”
“I'm Lotorl. I’ll be counting on you at that time.”

After shaking hands and leaving the place, Shishido-san was booed by other adventurers, calling him a lolicon pervert bastard.
I think I'll remember him as a lolicon comrade.


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