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“Amane, what’s a six pack?”

“It's when your abdominal muscles are split, Himezaki-san. Come to think of it, Himezaki-san has a uselessly amazing physical ability, but you don't have a six-pack, don’t you?”

“Well─! I’m a beautiful high school girl after all! Too amazing muscles won't look good in pictures, right?!”

“I was asking about the logic though. Also, that's a little disrespectful to people who work hard to get those abs.”

“Ee─h? But what about girls with all those muscles?!”

“Athletes and dancers have beautiful abs, and they themselves look beautiful, don’t they?”

“Mu, does Amane like that kind of stomach? Then, from today onwards, I'll exercise ten times as much as before and split my stomach!”

“I think it's best for you to remain as you are.”


(T/N: I guess Amane is more scared of Yurika being ten times stronger than her muscles.)

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