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“Amane─! Good morning─!”

“Good morning Himezaki-san, you arrived at school without being late today I see.”

“Un! When I did radio calisthenics today, I wasn't late!”

“That’s a good thing, and isn’t it a good idea to do it every day?”

“No─! As expected, that's too tough─!”

“It may be difficult at first, but once you make it a habit, you’ll be able to do it, you know?”

“No, because, you see, humans have their limits!”

“Since you could do it today, why not take up the challenge?”

“But I've been doing it since midnight, you know? Doing it every day is just too much!”

“So you weren't late because you stayed up all night.”


(T/N: I feel like I changed it too much. I wonder if I’m tired.)

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