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“Amane─, my younger brother and sister got into a quarrel yesterday, you see─.”

“Sibling quarrel, is it? I feel like it would be more intense in Himezaki-san's family than in a normal family.”

“It was tough, you know─! Chairs and knives were flying around! They even opened holes in the walls!”

“That’s dreadful.”

“The other siblings who tried to stop them ended up joining in and heating it up!”

“It looks like the scope will expand several times larger.”

“Un, it was getting more and more intense! But Mom stopped it when an evacuation advisory was issued for the surrounding area!”

“As expected of Himezaki-san's mother. How did she stop them?”

“When she said, [Let's have Yurika cook dinner today], everyone who was rioting sat in seiza on the spot and quieted down!”

“I suppose the ‘as expected’ was of you.”


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