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“Amane─! Look at that! It's a koinobori─!”

* (T/N: [鯉のぼり - koinobori - carp streamer; carp banner.] even if I use ‘carp streamer’ you probably won’t get it, I certainly didn’t so I used koinobori, the one in the wiki.)

“That’s the symbol of Children's Day, Himezaki-san. It seems like they put it up all over the place.”

“Ooh─!! I want to do it at my house too─!!”

“Does Himezaki-san's house not do it?”

“We’ve never done it even once─! But I’ll do it this year!”

“Do you make it by hand, Himezaki-san? Himezaki-san is very dexterous, so I think you can make it by yourself.”

“Un! First, I'm going to cosplay as a carp─! And then, I’ll grab onto a rod!”

“Congratulations on completing the combustion style koinobori, Himezaki-san.”


(T/N: that combustion thing is a parody from an ad about beverages: this video. I had to google it.)

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