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“Amane, when you were little, did your parents sing you a lullaby when you couldn't sleep?”

“No, I don't really remember anything like that. On nights when I couldn't sleep, I tried to consciously empty my mind and before I knew it I was asleep.”

“Hee─h, I see. I often had my mom sing for me.”


“Hearing that made me fall asleep immediately, so I had a hard time remembering the lyrics.”

“So you found it quite easy to fall asleep as a kid, Himezaki-san.”

“Un, even so, I still managed to remember it. The song is like this.”

Saying that, Himezaki-san began to sing.

Her singing voice pleasantly stimulates my five senses and forcibly steals my consciousness.

In my fading consciousness, what transcribed in my eyes was the people around me falling down in a heap.


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