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“Amane─, it's already the end of the school year.”

“It is indeed the end of the school year, Himezaki-san”

“A lot has happened this school year, but it all seems to have gone by so fast─.”

“Especially since around autumn, the days since then have been so intense that time has flown by so quickly, hasn't it, Himezaki-san?”

“In other words, the new school year starts tomorrow, huh─, it doesn't really feel real.”

“You seem to say the same thing every year, Himezaki-san.”

“Un, I actually say that every year.”

“So it’s as I expected huh, Himezaki-san?”

“I’m pretty sure I've been saying it since I was in the first year of middle school, so I'm still feeling thirteen.”

“I see, so you have the intelligence level of that age, Himezaki-san.”


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