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“Amane─! Let's do some sumo─!”

“Sumo... that’s Japan's specific open-weight martial sport where weight is basically what matters, Himezaki-san. Why again?”

“No, well, I'm strong, aren't I?”

“You are indeed strong, Himezaki-san.”

“So, according to one theory, it said that [sumo is the strongest martial sport], so I thought I'd try my hand at it first.”

“It is generally not a martial sport that girls do, but it doesn't seem to matter to Himezaki-san.”

“Come on, get ready, get ready! Hands on the ground~!”

“Yes, yes. ...I don't want to die, so please go easy on me.”


“Here I go!”

“It's an afterimage.”



(T/N: [格闘技 - martial arts which involve fighting without weapons; combat sport; one-on-one fighting sport.] I translated it as ‘martial sports’ but maybe that’s wrong? Advice? Also, I translated のこったー! as ‘Go─!’ but apparently, sumo has no starting signal, but that one felt like a battle cry or something, so I translated it as ‘go’, any advice?)

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