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“Amane─, somehow, my body has been hurting since this morning.”

“Yesterday, after returning from club activities, you got carried away and trained three times as much as usual, then used your bare hands to fix the neighbor's house, which had tilted due to land subsidence, and then dragged three elephants that had escaped from their cages and returned them to the zoo after all, Himezaki-san. Isn’t that muscle pain?”

“Aah, I see. So this is muscle pain─? U─n, it's pretty painful.”

“Well, you should rest your body and not frolic too much today. If you take proper nutrition, your muscle should grow a little again by the time it heals.”

“Un, I was talking to Amane, and as expected, I got better. I think I can probably lift yesterday's elephant and carry it with me now.”

“Have you once again taken another step away from humanity?”


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