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“Amane, it's a hailstorm.”

“It is indeed a hailstorm, Himezaki-san.”

“By the way, what’s the difference between hailstorm and hail?”

“Isn’t it the size of the grains? Hail hurts when it hits you, but hailstorm hurts even more because it's bigger.”

“Isn't it strange how the names change depending on size? If a big cat and a small cat are the same age, a cat is a cat, right?”

“I suppose it doesn't really matter what it is.”

“I think they are named like that because when hail hits you, you want to sigh, [Ara─], and when hailstorm hits you, you want to scream, [Hyo─!].”

“Please don't use your spontaneous ideas as the origin of the name.”


(T/N: [霰 - arare - hail.] [雹 - hyou - hailstorm.] They’re actually both hail, but I had to translate it to two different words, so I use hailstorm. Any alternative?)

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