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“Amane─! Let's make a snow hut─!”

“So it’s a snow hut this time? Then, like last time, let's collect some snow first, Himezaki-san.”

“Yossha, leave it to me! Sorya─!”

“The snow is gathering at a tremendous rate again.”


“Well, this time, if it’s big, it’s going to be big, and it looks like we can make something good.”


“You seem more enthusiastic than last time.”

“Even more, I’ll finish this in an artistic way─!”

“This is... is this the shogun and the townscape of the old times made of snow, the Kamakura Shogunate, Himezaki-san?”


(T/N: snow hut is actually read as ‘kamakura’ so I guess Yurika really made Kamakura.)

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