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“Amanee, what's [Yukitsuri]?”

“Yukitsuri, is it? It's protecting tree branches with ropes to prevent them from breaking. It's a measure to prevent the branches from breaking when snow is sticking to them, Himezaki-san.”

“Hee─h, it’s that thing you sometimes see in people’s gardens, huh?”

“So what’s wrong with that?”

“No, I thought the ‘tsuri’ was from [fishing], so I thought ‘how would you go fishing in the snow?’”

“Ah, so it was just a misunderstanding? Now you've become one step wiser.”

“Un, I went up high to the sky and dropped a fishing hook, but I knew something wasn't right.”

“Could you please not say things like [went up high to the sky] without any context?”


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