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“Amane─, we're in charge of the shed behind the school building, right? It's pretty big there, can we do it with just the two of us?”

“According to the words that Sensei gave me, [If Himezaki is there, two people will be enough].”

“Why would he so decisively entrust a weak girl with such a tiring task─, that teacher?”

“Aren't you just venting your daily frustrations, Himezaki-san? If you don't clean it up properly, you'll probably be told something about it later. And I’ll end up getting mixed up in that.”

“Geez─! If it’s like this, I’ll just clean it thoroughly!”

“Ah, I forgot one of the tools, I'll go get it.”

“Un! Then I’ll start ahead of you!”


“Sorry to keep you waiting, Himezaki-san. By the way, why is the shed completely gone?”


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