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“Himezaki-san, she’s late. Even though she said to meet under this tower.” “He─y, Amane─! Here, here!”

“Himezaki-san? ...You are on top of the tower?”

“I’m coming now─! Tou-!”

“Good morning, Himezaki-san. That was a splendid jump and landing from the top of the tower. Why were you already at the top?”

“Well─, I arrived first, so I just had to! Because I’ve been able to reach heights like that in one jump just recently!”

“Haa, that’s quite a growth.”

“Un, I'll do it again! Soryaa-!”

“Mu, the dust cloud is amazing... Himezaki-san, and she’s already left...?”

“Amane─! Look up, up!”

“Aah, the first one wasn't a line break I forgot to make, it was about the current situation, huh?”


(T/N: I don’t get it.)

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